Aloe vera is a thick green cactus-like plant that was once grown abundantly as weed, is now, a plant of high medicinal value.
The current article discusses if aloe can be beneficial for stomach issues specifically ulcers.
Although the medicinal uses of aloe vera trace its history into the ancient Egyptian times, the advent of technology has brought it in limelight.
A bit about stomach now.
The natural lining of the stomach protects it from damage.
This thick layer can be reduced in many ways like a bacterial infection, long-term intake of drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen, or excessive acidity in the stomach, which results in the digestive juice to eat away the stomach lining and resulting in painful sores called ulcers.
This may lead to symptoms like stomach ache, indigestion, heartburn, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, headache, weight loss etc.
The lesions in the stomach lining can be cured by the use of aloe vera because of its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory activity.
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Benefits of Aloe Vera in Stomach Ulcers
Aloe Vera plays an important role in remedying, protecting and healing of the ulcers.
The use of aloe vera juice in easing the pain of ulcers and repairing the walls of the stomach is very well known.
Aloe vera juice in the treatment of ulcers is recommended because of its following properties:
Aloe vera prevents and treats gastric ulcers
Benefit confidence: High
A 2011 animal study conducted by the Department of Pharmacology, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, India, found that oral administration of aloe vera juice helps prevent induced peptic ulcers in albino rats.[1]
A human study carried out on patients suffering from gastric ulcers in Iran found that oral administration of aloe vera gel twice a day along with the conventional gastric ulcer treatment aided in faster recovery and proved to be beneficial in treating gastric ulcers.[2]
Another animal study conducted on rats found that aloe vera can treat induced gastric ulcers by improving tissue health and reducing inflammation of the tissue according to an article published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.[3]
An animal study conducted on rats induced with gastric ulcers found on oral administration of aloe vera gel the number of ulcers and lesions in the gastric area decreased significantly.[4]
What does it mean? Administration of aloe vera orally increases the chance of treating gastric ulcers drastically.
Aloe vera is an anti-inflammatory agent
Benefit confidence: High
Aloe vera was proved to have anti-inflammatory properties by a study conducted by the Queen Mary School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom.
Aloe vera inhibits the production of prostaglandins which in high concentration causes inflammation and pain caused due to stomach ulcers. [5]
Manipal University, India, conducted an animal study on mice to find that aloe vera has an anti-inflammatory effect in carrageenin induced paw edema.[6]
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics journal published a research study done to decrease the symptoms of human colorectal mucosa, states the beneficial effects of aloe vera gel in decreasing inflammation by diminishing the number of prostaglandins secreted in the body that could help treat gastric ulcers.[7]
What does it mean? Aloe vera has active ingredients that aid in reducing inflammation and thus relieving the symptoms of a stomach or gastric ulcers.
Aloe vera is an antimicrobial agent
Benefit confidence: High
An in-vitro study conducted by the University of Yuzuncu Yil, Turkey, found aloe vera to effectively inhibit the growth of common microorganisms that can cause infections of the wounds left due to the gastric ulcer.[8]
Helicobacter pylori is a common causative agent of peptic ulcers. Aloe vera has been found to be antimicrobial in nature according to a research study published in the journal of Applied Microbiology and can efficiently inhibit the growth of the organism by causing cell lyses.[9]
According to a study published in the Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology in the year 2017, aloe vera was proved to be effective against the most common pathogen E.coli.
The growth of the bacteria was inhibited by treating it with a low dose of 50 microgram/ml of ethanol extract of the aloe vera gel.[10]
What does it mean? Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties that can prevent the gastric ulcer caused due to Helicobacter pylori and protect against infections of the wound left by the ulcer.
Aloe vera acts as a potent antioxidant agent
Benefit confidence: High
According to a research study published in the Planta Medica journal, aloe vera gel acts as a strong antioxidant agent due to its efficient free radical species scavenging ability as well as the oxidizing agent scavenging ability.
This was found to promote wound healing as well.[11]
A 2003 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found aloe vera to possess strong antioxidant ability by acting as a free radical scavenger that could aid in preventing damage to the stomach lining.[12]
In a 2010 study conducted on rats induced with oxidative stress published in the NISCAIR periodicals, it was found that oral administration of aloe vera gel reduced the oxidative stress and acted as an antioxidant agent due to its inherent ability to scavenge harmful free radical species.[13]
Another study published in the Carbohydrate Polymers journal found that purified aloe vera polysaccharide prevents cell death caused due to oxidative stress and acts as a scavenger against harmful free radicals and oxidizing agents meaning it could act as a protective agent preventing harm to the stomach lining.[14]
What does it mean? Aloe vera has antioxidant properties that can help prevent the harm caused by the gastric ulcers to the lining of the stomach. Aloe vera has antioxidant properties that can help prevent the harm caused by the gastric ulcers to the lining of the stomach.
Aloe vera acts as an analgesic
Benefit confidence: Medium
According to an animal study conducted on rats published in the Inflammation magazine, high doses of oral aloe vera supplements reduced formalin-induced pain in mice.[15]
A study conducted by the Department of Pharmacology, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, India, found that aloe vera gel supplements had an analgesic property.
The mice showed improved tolerance to pain when subjected to the writhing test subsequent to the administration of aloe vera.[16]
According to another animal study conducted in Tamil Nadu, India and published in the International Research Journal of Pharmacology, the whole leaf extract of aloe vera was found to appreciably diminish the pain in albino rats in a dose-dependent manner. It was also found to have significant anti-inflammatory property.[17] [18]
What does it mean? Aloe vera has an analgesic property which helps in relieving pain caused due to ulcers formed in the stomach. Aloe vera has an analgesic property which helps in relieving pain caused due to ulcers formed in the stomach.
Research Study – Aloe vera Benefits In Acid Reflux & GERD
This study was conducted to analyse the effect of aloe vera juice on the patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and also compare its effects with other antacids like omeprazole and ranitidine.
The study included 79 patients age between 18-65 years.
These patients were randomly given different treatments with Aloe vera syrup, omeprazole capsule or ranitidine tablet. The dosage of each medicine was defined:
Aloe Vera è stato dato lo sciroppo 10ml al giorno. Lo sciroppo è stato standardizzato a 5.0mg polisaccaride per ml di syrup.Omeprazole capsula è stato dato 20mg per day.Ranitidine tablet è stato dato 150 mg al mattino e poi 150 mg prima di dormire.Lo studio è durato per 4 settimane. Dopo il 2 ° e 4 ° settimane i pazienti sono stati controllati per otto principali sintomi di GERD (bruciore di stomaco, l’espulsione di cibo, gas intestinali, eruttazione, disfagia (dolore nella deglutizione), nausea, vomito, e l’espulsione di acido).
L’obiettivo era quello di analizzare l’effetto di aloe vera su pazienti che mostrano i vari sintomi di GERD.
Come efficiente aloe vera sciroppo è nella lotta contro quei sintomi e ciò che sollievo potrebbe questa causa al paziente affetto da malattia da reflusso gastroesofageo.
Quali sono stati i risultati dello studio?
The result of the study shows a significant reduction in the GERD symptoms at an interval of both 2 and 4 weeks of treatment in all the groups.
The aloe vera group showed a reduction in all the GERD symptoms at both 2 weeks and 4 weeks as compared with the baseline or untreated patients.
In the omeprazole and ranitidine group, the frequency of all assessed symptoms of GERD was also reduced significantly compared with the data recorded at the start.
A trend in the increased frequency of heartburn was seen in all the groups at 4th week as compared to that at 2nd week.
Adverse events resulting in two drop-outs each from omeprazole and ranitidine groups while no drop-out took place from the aloe vera group.
This indicates that the side effects from the omeprazole and ranitidine were intolerable to the patients as compared to the relief these chemicals give.
While aloe vera show the least side effects and these few side effects were comparably tolerable.
How does this occur?
It has been believed that GERD is a result of inflammation and oxidative stress. Hence aloe vera reducing the symptoms of GERD is due to its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Aloe vera inhibits the activity of cyclooxygenase (an enzyme involved in stabilizing superoxide in the cell), has an ability to scavenge superoxide anions, reduce lipid peroxidation and up-regulates antioxidant enzymes; hence it acts as a potent antioxidant.
In a study it was found that aloe vera reduces oxidative damage to the liver due to various toxins like Carbon tetrachloride which can lead to hepatotoxicity.
Inoltre, aloe vera sopprimere l’espressione di geni lipidi producendo così la resistenza all’insulina e migliora l’effetto tossico dei lipidi di fegato ottenere ridotto. Poiché il fegato è l’organo più importante per la digestione, quindi questa natura hepatoprotectant di aloe vera può migliorare la digestione e prevenire bruciore di stomaco (un importante sintomo di GERD).
È stato inoltre scoperto che l’aloe vera ridurre le possibilità di infiltrazione leucocitaria (movimento delle cellule bianche del sangue all’esterno del sangue alla zona infetta) e concentrazione di TNF-alfa in infezione da Helicobacter pylori.
Questa è l’indicazione di un forte effetto antimicrobico di aloe vera contro H. pylori (i batteri che ha la tendenza a danneggiare il rivestimento gastroesofageo) e quindi l’effetto della secrezione acida gastrica mucosa dello stomaco viene ridotta.
Aloe vera contiene lectine che inibiscono l’assorbimento da parte delle cellule aminopyrin acido secernono stomaco in modo secrezione acida è ridotta.
Quindi, danni al rivestimento esofageo può essere prevenuta.
Aloe vera estratti di foglie contengono una glicoproteina chiamata aloctin A, che riduce il volume del succo gastrico, acido e pepsina produzione nello stomaco. Inoltre inibisce la comparsa di lesioni gastriche.
Inoltre, la frazione di polimero di aloe vera protegge la mucosa gastrica (strato esterno dello stomaco) contro l’erosione.
Fitosteroli (steroidi vegetali) presenti nella guida aloe vera nel ridurre le concentrazioni di glucosio nel sangue; quindi digestione è migliorata e sintomi GERD ottenere ridotto.
Cosa significa questo?
Ciò implica che l’aloe vera sciroppo offre un facile, sicuro ed efficace trattamento e ridurre la frequenza dei sintomi di GERD in modo significativo.
Così aloe vera deve essere somministrato a pazienti affetti da GERD su una base quotidiana per ottenere sollievo da questa malattia in modo naturale.
Anche perché l’aloe vera è meno costoso, facilmente disponibile e ha molte attività terapeutiche diverse da trattare GERD ad esempio ulcera peptica, diabete, ecc ed inoltre non causa alcun effetto collaterale.
Aloe vera sciroppo può essere molto benefico per la salute se preso regolarmente.
Leggi l’articolo completo su https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26742306
Molti preparati di aloe vera sono disponibili sul mercato. Il gel di aloe vera può essere direttamente consumato a ulcere trattare. Nessun dose specifica è identificato.
Si può consumare 1-2 cucchiaini di gel di aloe vera fresco tutti i giorni. È inoltre possibile consumare 10-30 ml succo di aloe vera al giorno come parte di altri succhi di frutta.
Si prega di consultare un professionista della salute prima di consumare l’aloe vera.
Ogni ingrediente in natura possiede alcune minacce per la salute se consumati in modo inappropriato o in una quantità in eccesso.
Il gel di aloe vera può essere allergici a poche persone e quindi le reazioni allergiche deve essere verificata prima dell’uso.
Il gel di aloe vera o lattice, se consumato per via orale, può essere pericoloso per le donne incinte.
L’uso prolungato di aloe vera lattice può causare diarrea, problemi renali, sangue nelle urine, potassio basso, debolezza muscolare, perdita di peso e disturbi cardiaci.
il consumo orale di gel di aloe vera o lattice da parte di bambini di età inferiore ai 12 anni è considerato pericoloso e deve essere evitato.
Tracciare gli enormi benefici per la salute che l’aloe vera fornisce, ha dimostrato di essere molto utile nel caso di ulcere gastriche.
il consumo appropriato di aloe vera può aiutare nella riduzione della condizione dell’ulcera alterando il contenuto di muco e riducendo l’infiammazione della parete dello stomaco e la guarigione delle ulcere.
L’aloe vera è dimostrato di essere utile nello stomaco ulcera casi a causa della sua proprietà anti-infiammatorie, guarigione effetto, effetto anti-batteriche e muco effetto stimolante, l’effetto regolatore sui succhi gastrici e effetto citoprotettivo.
Può essere usato come un rimedio naturale molto efficace per pazienti affetti da ulcera allo stomaco.
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